
Tips and Hints

Top tips for washing your sheets

Avoid very hot temperatures when washing and drying, they weaken fabric fibres as well as being wasteful of energy.

Use mild detergent and make sure it is diluted before it comes into contact with the sheets. Undiluted detergents can discolour fabric.

Ensure all detergent is completely rinsed out, if it isn’t the sheets will feel stiff. Use half the quantity recommended by the detergent manufacturer. Adding a cup of white vinegar to the rinse water will remove any trace of detergent residue.

Avoid brighteners and other bleaching agents. Over time, they weaken and discolour fibres.  Lemon juice (just ¼ cup) added to the wash cycle will help to brighten whites.

Ideally, line dry your sheets in the shade. If you use a clothes dryer, dry on the low or medium heat setting. Over drying sheets weakens the fibres and bakes off finishes.

Store laundered, completely dry, sheets in a dry cool place, away from direct sunlight. If linen is to be stored for a long time, take it out and refold differently from time to time to help avoid fabric breakage along fold lines.

Keep at least 3 sets of sheets for each bed and rotate weekly to ensure even wear.

Sort your laundry

By fabric: Separate delicate fabrics that require a gentle cycle from heavier items.

By colour: Separate whites from coloureds and pastels from dark colours.

By soil level: soil can travel from one garment to another so wash heavily soiled items separately.

Lint: Check all pockets and remove tissues before washing (turning items with pockets inside out can help to ensure no stray tissues end up in the wash) Wash heavy lint shedders, especially blankets, towels, chenille bedspreads, rugs, throws and woollens separately and clean your washing machine’s lint filter regularly.

Energy Saving Washing and Drying tips

Use lower temperature settings. Use warm or cold water in the wash cycle where possible to save energy. For heavily soiled items presoaking is a better option than washing in hot water. Always use cold water in the rinse cycle.

Don’t overload the washing machine but do load it to capacity. Washing one large load takes less energy than washing two small or medium loads.

If washing several lightly soiled loads in succession use the suds saving feature if it is available on your machine. Do not use this feature unless you are washing the next load on the same day. It is not safe store “grey” water in your machine.

Line drying is the most energy efficient option.

If using a clothes drying machine, dry similar types of fabrics together. Lightweight items dry much more quickly than heavier fabrics such as towels. Don’t add wet items to a load that is already partially dry.
If possible, dry two or more loads in a row, taking advantage of the heat still in the dryer from the previous load.

Clean the lint filter after every use. A clogged filter restricts air flow and dryer efficiency and is a fire hazard.

Ironing Tips

Bed linen and garments will be smoother if you iron them while they are still damp, so if possible remove them from the dryer or line before they are fully dry.

Smooth out seams and pull linens into shape immediately upon removing them from the dryer or line and fold them neatly. Even if they still need ironing, the job will be easier.

If you can’t get to the ironing immediately, let the items dry fully. Dampen them when you are ready to iron, sprinkling them with water and rolling in a towel to distribute the moisture; or use the spray on your steam iron as you go.

If using starch or ironing aids, spray each item as you go, but allow a few moments for the starch or sizing to soak in so there is no chance of buildup on the soleplate.

If you have a quantity of items to iron, deal with those that need ironing at the lowest temperatures first (such as synthetics or silks)
As the iron heats up, work on the woollens, then the cottons and finally the linens.

How to fold a Fitted Sheet

Lay the sheet flat on a large surface (a bed or table is ideal) with the elastic facing upwards.

Fold the sheet in half horizontally, tucking the fitted top corners into the fitted bottom corners. If your sheet has gathered sides, tuck them into each other too. Smooth the edges flat (you are aiming for a neat rectangle).

Fold the sheet in half from left to right (or vice versa), making sure to hide the elastic. You should now have a neat parcel.

Fold into thirds, forming a long rectangle and then fold again from left to right (or vice versa) into the appropriate size for your linen cupboard shelves.


Trouble Shooting

Stains on fabrics

Act fast and rinse in cold water to remove stains before they set.

Check the fabric label before removing any stain. Silks, wools and delicate fabrics may require specialist care, while stains on washable fabrics such as cotton and linen are more easily removed.

Do not rub stains as rubbing may push the stain further into the fabric and may damage the surface. Rinsing with cold water and blotting with a clean towel are the safest options.

Avoid using hot water on an unknown stain as heat can set many stains

Do not use chlorine bleach unless the fabric label says it may safely be used.

Take care if soaking fabrics. Some textiles and trims are not colour fast if soaked and colours may run.

The washing has streaks of un-dissolved detergent

Consider using less than the amount suggested by the detergent manufacturer. Lightly soiled and regularly washed items do not require a lot of detergent.

Don’t overload the machine. The items to be washed should be able to move freely in the water.

For top loading machines, make sure the detergent is fully dissolved before adding the wash. The easiest way to do this is to fill the machine half full with water, add the detergent and then finish filling the machine. Once full, stop the load and add the items and commence the wash. Liquid detergents can be less problematic than powders but never pour undiluted liquid detergent directly onto laundry. Always dissolve or dilute detergents before they come into contact with fabrics.

For front loading machines make sure to use detergent specially formulated for front loading machines and carefully follow the manufacturer’s instructions on dispensing the detergent.

A tissue was left in a pocket and now all the washing is covered
with shredded tissue

Take the washing out of the machine and shake each piece vigorously outside. If the fabric/s is suitable for tumble drying, tumble dry on warm until almost dry. Take out of the dryer and shake the items again. Clean the lint filter and return items to the dryer again until completely dry. Make sure you clean any shreds of tissue from the washing machine before the next use. Turning any items with pockets inside out before washing may prevent this happening in the future.

To remove Lily pollen from clothing/sheets

Do not brush or rub the fabric. First, give the item a good shake and then use sticky tape to remove as much pollen as you can – keep dabbing with fresh tape until it comes up clean. Rinse with cold water from the back of the fabric and then soak in cold water for a hour before putting through a cold wash cycle.


